TypeScript Generic Cache Class | Christopher Vachon

TypeScript Generic Cache Class


Today I was writing a cache class in TypeScript and I wanted to make it generic so that it could be used with any service based off of an abstract class. Here is the code I came up with.

Starting with the abstract class for services:

// Abstract class for services

interface IBaseRecord {
    id: string;
    createdAt: Date;
    updatedAt: Date;
    isDeleted: boolean;
    isArchived: boolean;

export abstract class BaseService<TRecord extends IBaseRecord = IBaseRecord> {
    protected connection: DBConnection;
    protected abstract tableName: string;

    constructor(connection: DBConnection) {
        this.connection = connection;

    getItem(id: string): Promise<TRecord> {
        return this.connection.execute(
            SELECT *
            FROM ${this.tableName}
            WHERE id = ?

Next we implement the BaseService.

// Implementation of BaseService

interface IUserRecord extends IBaseRecord {
    email: string;
    firstName: string;
    lastName: string;

export class UserService extends BaseService<IUserRecord> {
    protected tableName = "users";

interface IJobRecord extends IBaseRecord {
    name: string;
    description: string;

export class JobService extends BaseService<IJobRecord> {
    protected tableName = "jobs";

Now we can create the cache class.

// This Type will return the type of the record from the service
type IServiceRecordType<T extends BaseService> = ReturnType<T["getItem"]>;

export class InlineCache<TService extends BaseService = BaseService> {
    private cache = new Map<string, IServiceRecordType<TService>>();
    private service: TService;

    constructor(model: TService) {
        this.service = model;

    async getItem(id: string) {
        const current = this.cache.get(id);
        if (current) {
            return current;
        const record = (await this.service.getItem(id)) as IServiceRecordType<TService>;
        this.cache.set(id, record);
        return record;

    clear(id?: string) {
        if (id) {
        } else {

now I can use the cache class with any service.

const myUserService = new UserService(connection);
const myJobService = new JobService(connection);

// Pass in my Service into my InlineCache
const userCache = new InlineCache(myUserService);

const selectedUser = await userCache.getItem("123");
// TypeOf `selectedUser` is `IUserRecord`

Notice a few things here from the above codebase:

  1. The InlineCache class is generic and can be used with any service that extends the BaseService class.
  2. I did not pass any type to the InlineCache class when creating an instance of it. TypeScript will infer the type from the service passed in.
  3. I used the ReturnType utility type to get the return type of the getItem method on the service, not the interface defined on the service.

The last point is important because the getItem may return more then what is defined in the interface. Let’s extend the getItem() method to return more fields.

interface IUserRecord extends IBaseRecord {
    email: string;
    firstName: string;
    lastName: string;

export class UserService extends BaseService<IUserRecord> {
    protected tableName = "users";

    async getItem(id: string) {
        // Get the record from the BaseService
        const record = super.getItem(id);

        // Get Jobs for that User
        const jobs = await new JobService(this.connection).getJobsForUser(id);

        return {

// Instantiate the serice class with the connection
const myUserService = new UserService(connection);

// Pass in my Service into my InlineCache
const userCache = new InlineCache(myUserService);

// Get the select user
const selectedUser = await userCache.getItem("123");
// TypeOf `selectedUser` is `IUserRecord & { jobs: IJobRecord[] }`

This makes the InlineCache class very flexible and easily reusable with any service that extends the BaseService class.